• We are 3M AUTHORIZED CONVERTER on commercial graphics precuts and the approved signage and advertising display contractor for the major banks and corporations.
  • PRODUCTS DURABILITY CERTIFICATES or 3M MCS WARRANTY may issue to the clients if the terms and condition applied.
  • We emphasize QUALITY CONTROL AND MONITORING OF ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE , sustainable use of energy efficient products and careful in us of paints, adhesives and printing ink.
  • We established the HEALTH & SAFETY guidance per the Occupational Safety & Health Ordinance and Regulation for our staff , supplier and sub-contractors.



  • 我們是3M委託授權的加工商,為各大機構及銀行制作商業用途的預展圖案、廣告牌和宣傳陳列佈置等。

  • 部份產品可向客戶發出耐用證或3M之MCS保修期証書(如產品條款和條件適用)。

  • 我們亦十分重視品質控制和監控環保成效,持續採用能源效能高的產品及謹慎選用非危害健康和環境顏料、黏合劑和印刷墨水。

  • 我們跟從職業安全及健康條例制訂健康安全指引指示給員工、供應商和加工商遵守。